South Australian RHD Control Program
The South Australian (SA) RHD Control Program aims to reduce the burden of acute rheumatic fever (ARF) and rheumatic heart disease (RHD) in the SA population. The objectives of the Program are to:
- improve clinical care for people living with ARF and RHD including delivery of secondary prophylaxis antibiotics.
- provide disease education and training for the health workforce, individuals, families, and communities.
- maintain a dedicated statewide patient register and recall system for ARF and RHD.
- provide data for national epidemiological reporting.
The Program works across metropolitan and remote SA, collaborating with all levels of health care but focusing on the primary health care sector (Government, Aboriginal Community Controlled and private health services), the hospital sector, and people living with ARF and RHD and their families. Activities are embedded within the SA Government primary health care system and the Program has partnership agreements with Nganampa Health Council and Aboriginal Health Council of SA.
Legislated notification of ARF and RHD
Medical Practitioners have a legal obligation to notify cases of ARF and RHD in SA. For more information about notifiable disease reporting contact the SA Communicable Disease Control Branch on 1300 232 272.
Notification Form
- The RHDAustralia 2020 Australian guideline for prevention, diagnosis and management of acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease (3rd edition) - endorsed for use in primary care setting in SA.
- SA Health/rhd
T: (08) 7425 7146
F: (08) 7425 6696