Western Australian RHD Register and Control Program
The Western Australia (WA) RHD Register and Control Program aims to support improved detection, monitoring and management of acute rheumatic fever (ARF) and rheumatic heart disease (RHD) in WA. The objectives of the Program are to:
- support improved clinical care, including delivery of and adherence to secondary prophylaxis antibiotics.
- provide education and training for the health workforce and communities.
- maintain a dedicated statewide patient register and recall system for ARF and RHD.
- provide data for national epidemiological reporting.
The Program collaborates with services throughout the health care sector, including hospitals, cardiology outreach services, community health services, Aboriginal Community Controlled and private health services, with a focus on supporting primary health sites. The Program provides a telephone support service, plus provides regular reports from the register.
The WA Rheumatic Heart Disease Register is a dedicated disease register that supports the long-term management of patients living with ARF and RHD and monitoring of the disease in WA.
Legislated notification of ARF and RHD
Medical Practitioners and Nurse Practitioners have a legal obligation to notify cases of ARF and RHD in WA. For more information contact the Program on 1300 622 745.
- Acute Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease Guideline
- WA Rheumatic Heart Disease Register (health.wa.gov.au)
- Healthy WA (Health Information for Western Australians)
T: 1300 622 745
F: 08 6553 0899
E: RHDRegister@health.wa.gov.au